
House Of Strays Sanctuary needs your help!

Every day, countless innocent animals find themselves abandoned, neglected, or abused, desperately seeking refuge and a second chance at life. In the face of such adversity, our organization Animals Of Our World, and our animal shelter House Of Strays, stand as a beacon of hope, providing love, care, and a safe haven for these voiceless creatures. However, we cannot accomplish this alone. Sponsoring our animal shelter is not just an act of generosity, but a meaningful investment in creating a kinder and more compassionate world for all animals here in Cambodia.

With limited resources, we tirelessly rescue abandoned, injured, and the most abused animals, offering them medical attention, nourishment, and a loving environment. By donating to our shelter, you directly contribute to this life-saving mission, enabling us to continue providing essential care and giving these animals a chance to thrive and even find their forever homes. Through our advocacy programs and outreach efforts, we raise awareness about responsible pet ownership, spaying and neutering, and the importance of adopting rather than buying animals.

Our animal shelter is deeply rooted in the local community, and its impact extends far beyond the walls of our facility. Through education initiatives, volunteer programs, and partnerships, we foster a sense of empathy, kindness, and responsibility towards animals. By sponsoring us, you invest in the betterment of your community, helping us create a future generation that values and respects all living beings.

Please become a sponsor today and have a positive impact for animals in Cambodia!

You can support us monthly through these channels:

Or you can directly transfer donations to our banks:

UK Bank Transfer:
Virgin Money
Animals Of Our World
Account # 60301778
Sort Code 82-11-07

Cambodian Bank Transfer:
ABA Bank Cambodia
Georgia Sarah Rose Kaczorowski
Account # 003692043